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Dear Sir/Madam,
[REMINDER] Notification of Email Security Enhancement (PTR, SPF, DKIM & DMARC) for Medical Device Authority, Malaysia     
We've encounter security upgrade in our email system previously on 11th September 2019. This will fully effective on 15th March 2020 with additional security DKIM & DMARC enhancement that will cause email failure sent to us (rejected). Below are the tentative for your reference.
Email Security Upgrade
Effective Date
Pointer Record (PTR)
15 Mar 2020
Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
15 Mar 2020
DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)
16 Apr 2020
Domain-Based Message Authenticaton, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)
17 May 2020
Thus, your email system needs to comply with four (4)mandatory security enhancement above in the Domain Name Server (DNS). Please escalate this to your IT department to make sure your email security is comply or refer https://dmarcly.com/tools/spf-dkim-dmarc-wizard/#intro to do step-by-step DNS configuration (DNS Administrator/ IT Vendor).
The test can be done using tools https://mxtoolbox.com by entering your DNS (ex: mda.gov.my) to check whether your email system comply or not.
If you have any queries, feel free to contact En. Ruhan (Ext: 0219) from IT Department.
We 're apologize for inconvenience cause.
Thank You.
Technical Support Team