MDA is organizing a webinar on Policy Updates And New Medical  Device Regulations Under Act 737 :  Advertisement , Post Market Requirements And Medical Device Re - Registration  on 6th October 2021 (Wedenesday) at 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.

List of topics that will be talked during the webinar are 1) Updates On Medical Device Act, Regulations and Circular  Letters, 2) The Medical Device (Advertising) Regulations 2019 P.U. (A)  317, 3) Application for Approval of Medical Device Advertisement, 4) Updates on Medical Device Re - Registration, 5) Implementing the New  Medical Device Regulations on "Duties and Obligations of Establishments , P.U. (A) 318  on the 1st of July. What's next? , 6) Medical  Device Regulations od Duties and Obligations of Establishments : Walkthrough with MDA (MPR, Complaint Handling)  and 7) Medical Device Regulations of and Duties and Obligations of Establishments : (FCA & FSN, Medical Device Recall).

Participation is LIMITED to 200 participants only. Please hurry up as we limit the seats only on a first - come - first - serve basis. 

For more details on the webinar please click here