About MeDC@St

MeDC@St is the acronym of Medical Device Centralised Online Application System, an online system to manage various applications made to MDA. Since its launch in July 2013, MeDC@St has been upgraded to MeDC@St 2.0 in January 2019. Commencing 1 February 2022, MDA is proud to introduce another enhancement to the online application system, ie the [email protected]+, which will incorporate additional features for the benefit of the users. [email protected]+ is evidence of the commitments for continuous quality improvement of our services Additional features [email protected]+ incorporates the following new features:

  • Change Notification module
    • Combination of Category 2 and Category 3 changes in an application using single submission ID number
    • Combination of Category 2 and Category 3 changes in an application for multiple submission ID numbers (for a same risk-based classification)
    • Change notification letter can be downloaded and printed directly from [email protected]+ account
  • Device Study sub-module (under Clinical Research module)
    • Various selections of notification types will be made available
    • Notifications relating to a device study (including adverse event reporting and scheduled progress report) can be made online until completion of the study
    • Notification letter can be downloaded and printed directly from [email protected]+ account
  • Clinical Research Use sub-module (under Clinical Research module)
    • New online form has been developed;
    • A structured subsequent notification process that allows notification to be made repeatedly;
    • Notification letter can be downloaded and printed directly from [email protected]+ account
  • Demonstration for Marketing Notification module provides new feature on the selection of medical device category
  • Payment module incorporates payment via credit card in addition to the existing payment methods via bank draft and FPX. Under [email protected]+, MDA will enforce a 30-day term for all payments; failing which, the application will be automatically dropped from [email protected]+, and the establishments shall make a fresh application.


MDA will provide a series of training session on the new modules on the date that will be announced later.

User Manuals

[email protected]+ users may refer to the following user manuals:

- The user manuals will be updated from time to time  


Any inquiry about application do not hesitate to contact each Modul/Sub-Modul representatives at:


Modul/ Sub-Modul


Contact Number


MDR – Change Notification

[email protected]



Notification – Clinical Research Use

[email protected]



Notification – Device Study

[email protected]




Notification – Demonstration & Education

[email protected]







Technical Issues

Should you encounter any technical issues related to [email protected]+, please report to https://medcast.mda.gov.my/medcasthelpdesk/index.php; or https://femes.mda.gov.my/; or to our IT personnels at 03 8230 0222 (Syafiq); or 03 8230 0221 (Zainul).



Updated: 1 March 2022